We are pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Sharon Lamson to our team! We are enthusiastic about the valuable expertise she brings to our office.

Furthermore, we are pleased to announce our new Optician, James, as well as the merging of Dr. John Bruno's patients with our office.

We extend a warm invitation to both new and existing patients to visit our office at any time. Ample free parking and wheelchair accessibility are available for your convenience.

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Office Hours

9 am - 5 pm
9 am - 5 pm
9 am - 5 pm
10 am - 7 pm
9 am - 2 pm

OHIP Coverage For Eye Examinations

OHIP covers patients that are 19 years of age and younger as well as 65 years of age and older.

If you are between the ages of 20 and 64, you are NOT covered by OHIP and are therefore required to pay for your eye exam, unless you meet certain criteria.

Note: To avoid service disruption, please ensure your health card is up-to-date before your eye examination.

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New Technology

In our continued efforts to bring the most advanced technology available to our patients, we are proud to announce new state of the art services: